02 April 2008

How Sweet the Innocence of a child

The other day while at the provision shop, i saw a little chinese boy whom i guessed was around 6 years old, going into the provision shop with a little black kitten on his back. He bought a can of cat food and left the store excitedly. I couldn't help but smile at the sight cos his expression was really adorable.

I paid for my stuff and was walking back home when i saw him sitting near the playground. In his hands, he cradled the kitten and started feeding it. It was so GOSH DARN cute lah! The joy on his face was priceless! That right there, made my day.

That is the magic of a child! Their innocence and the joy they bring into our lives. The simple things in life make them happy and they say the funniest things to make us laugh. I believe that we should all learn from them and appreciate all the gifts we have, no matter how big or small they seem.

I can't wait to have kids of my own! A minimum of 3 for me and i'll be the happiest dad in the world. Taking them to the park to play, helping them with their homework etc.. hehehe.. Gonna be an awesome Dad! Just mark my words :D

So the next time you feel all stressed out, stop to watch a child play. It'll put a smile on your face

EL Sensacion OUT.....