07 August 2008

Tears, Plastic People, Bats and Toys in a Box..

Gosh! It's been a while since i've touched my computer.

Lots of things have happened in this few days, both Good and Bad...

*First up was the medical i went for on Monday for my post op review. I had my surgery two weeks before the day and have felt no improvement whatsoever. The doc told me that the surgery did not help and that i would have to go for more check ups and treatments. I was broken.. i mean, the surgery cost $700+ and it was all for nothing!
It really hurts cos i've put so much of hope on various treatments but all to no avail.. The only thing that came out of it all were tears and heartache..

This Fatigue is like a parasite that eats away at you. It torments and it drives you to the edge of madness. Some people don't understand how it feels to feel trapped and helpless...

**A certain someone at work has been bitching and complaining over the smallest things. It's really stupid and i think that some of the stuff said about me is unfair. I'm not gonna mention the name but if that person happens to read this then THAT person will know who it's about. TAke for example my surgery. I was given seven days of mc and yet i only took 5 out of it because i couldn't afford to lose money. The very next time i took an mc was because i had a medical in the afternoon last monday. Apparently to a certain someone, it's a BIG HOO HAH! That person thinks that i'm gonna take mc's consistently! You go around bitching to your friends in other Crumpler stores.

SERIOUSLY!! C'mon!! You think i fuckin take it for fun? This is not the only thing that pisses me off. You know, i'm so damn close to telling you off in your face about how much of a reality check you need but i keep my mouth shut out of respect. My Friend, take time to put yourself in my shoes. Don't be a goddamn coward and bitch behind peoples back
Ps*Don't think that someone told me this stuff cos i observe and find out stuff on my own.

Scrapping whatever money i have for my bills to the point of skipping meals etc. It's all damn sacrifice! You're born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you don't have to worry about lots of shit so PLEASE.. from a friend to another.. have more heart and be more down to earth. Do it through action and not just by words.

***My sweetheart surprised me at work yesterday and we took a walk to the toy section in taka cos i was looking for a toy that i really wanted(CARNAGE AND SPIDEY)
I saw two boxes of them a few days back but when we went there, i couldn't find them. I was really sad but i told myself that i would find it elsewhere

Bought Sushi for my Baby cos she was craving for it. Even though i didn't have enough for my ownself, i was happy to see the beautiful smile on her beautiful face :D


****My baby and i went to Lido to watch THE DARK NIGHT and HOT DAMN!!! IT WAS MIND BLOWINGLY AWESOME!!!!

As a comic fan since young, i've always been fascinated by BAtman(Don't worry, you're still my fav VENOM) and The Joker has always been my Favourite villian. Heath Ledger(R.I.P) played him to perfection and perhaps even took The Joker to the next level. He was really good! I mean, this is the first time i've been afraid of a villian in a movie. SICK..TWISTED..SCARY


Baby and myself headed to far east for lunch and while we ate, i told her about the shit at work, my stress from the fatigue and how damn much i wanted things to get better. .

After we ate, we were walking to the toy store when she stopped me and told me that she had a surprise for me. She handed me a paper bag with a box and a letter inside. I read the letter and the hint inside it told me what was inside the box. .

It was The Carnage and Spidey toy that i had wanted and i was so freakin touched that i cried and hugged her tight. It really meant alot to me moreso because of all the shit that's been bothering me. I couldn't stop hugging and thanking her. It was a wonderful surprise and right there and then, i felt like my gift was worth more than anything in the stores. It was THAT SPECIAL :D

Sarina is amazing. She may have her 'silly' moments but i don't take the bad things to heart cos we are all human. What's important is that she knows her mistakes and she sincerely apologizes for them. It's our 6th month of being together next tuesday(the 12th) and i look back and smile at the tought of how far we've come.

From the strange way we met, to wanting to be good friends but ending up falling in love to the moments we have shared both good and bad. She's wonderful and she's my pillar of strength when my worries get the best of me. I don't ever want to lose her.
One life to live and i choose to spend it with her in happiness and good health

Sarina Baby, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL. Thank You for Being Awesome Possum!!!


Jason Sensation