26 March 2008

¿Es este amor?

Sarina! Miss Tiny Fingers! Princess! Lizard Hater! hahaha

You've been really sweet and i'm really glad we met (through the strangest and still unexplained way). hahaha

The first time we met and i was all awkward and shy ( jumbling up my words and tripping on things). The way you giggled when i ate jellybeans. The Verbal Diarrhoea you had on that day. Gosh! You were so funny and i couldn't stop smiling.

The second time was even better! You playing Mortal Kombat on my PsP and you really kicked ass! (3D ninja ass that is). Then it was off to the arcade! House of the Dead!! hahaha! Gosh! you looked like you were gonna drop the gun and run away! hahaha. Chicken rice lunch and the 'dance move' you showed me! I was in stitches :D
The best part of the day was the birthday present you gave me! Chunky the Monkey! Gummy bears and the Best Freakin Birthday card i've ever received. ( REd Noses ) Aiyoh!!

The next one was the movie! We had a hard time choosing which movie to watch cos most of it sucked. Settled on PS I LOVE YOU and didn't regret it. Awesome movie! Oh! Dinner at Pastamania and my addiction to Tobasco sauce! hahaha.. Hot Spicy Indian Thang am i?

ASal's church drama thingee and the romantic airport escapades! ( nothing X rated kiddies )
AWESOME POSSUM!! Me sweeping you off your feet and kissing you! Gosh! hahahah

*PS, you still owe me that Ice Cream and Parsley Buffet treat! Hooray!

Anw, I know that you're gonna read this but i don't care (me being shy and all),

You've given me the hope i lost in love. You make me laugh, you make me feel loved, you care for me and love me for who i am. You Make Me Happy! It's as simple as that.Talking on the phone, texting , msn etc ain't good enough. Nothing is better than being there with you and it sucks that time flies by so fast but still, i enjoy every precious minute.

I know you have your insecurities and i have mine but i want you to trust me. Have a little faith and work with me and build this relationship up as a team.

You're afraid of what your parents might say or do but as long as we remain steadfast, we can show them that our love is true.

It's still a long way to go before thinking about all this and i can't wait to see where life takes us.

One life to live without regret..

Be strong my little princess. . .Be Strong and trust your heart

Te Amo

sensación de jason