21 March 2008

Blinded by our Bliss

How many times have you turned on your tv set and watched as images of suffering children and innocent people flash past in your screen? How does it make you feel? Do you feel Anger? Sadness? Frustration or perhaps Ignorance? In a society where we let our stomachs rule and where we give in to greed and temptation each day, we fail to see the suffering that goes on outside our lives. Let's take for example the old lady on the street with packs of tissues for sale. I've seen people move out of her direction to avoid being 'hassled' by her. How about the crippled or those who are deformed. If i had a dollar for every time i saw someone cast a look of revulsion on them, i'd be able to make a tidy sum. Spare a thought for these poor people whom life has dealt a bad hand too. Put yourself in their shoes and see what it feels like to be downtrodden. I could go on and on but i'll leave you to think about this yourself and see what changes you can make in your lives

Through these two years that i've been living with my fatigue, my eyes have been opened up even more to what's wrong with this world and in my own life. It's made me appreciate life even more and i count all my blessings.Ever since i was a child, i've been raised to do good to others and to be kind and considerate. I thank my parents and my faith for making me who i am today and i hope that what's in my heart will rub off on my friends and the people i love. Let's not take things for granted.

God Bless