There is a guy in camp who goes by the name of Terry Pang and this young man suffers from violent bouts of Fits. It can come at any time and my colleagues and myself have to keep an eye out for him. The bad part about Terry is that he is Incredibly rude to everyone, officers and supervisors included..
Last week, My Staff Sergeant Durai, my friend Wong along with Terry and myself went down to have our lunch. After we were done, we made our way back to the office and we were engaged in our usual banter and joking away. We were so engrossed in it that we did not notice that Terry had been left behind. While we were walking, something at the back of my head told me to turn around. (a sixth sense or an instinct perhaps) Terry was on the onset of having his fits. He was actually quite a distance from us but i managed to run fast enough to catch him. Had i been slower, he would have fallen backwards and hit his head hard onto the floor. Gosh! a few seconds really makes a hell lot of difference.
Cradling his head, i gently laid him on the ground and tried calming him down. It was really sad to see his body spasm uncontrollably. The veins in his neck and face were popping out and he was salivating non stop.
After it was all over, i picked him up and helped him as he staggered back to the office to take a rest. Even then, he was really ungrateful and started scolding everyone who helped him. i mean, what the hell lah! i was pretty cheesed off but i let it go..
I mean, no one asked to be born that way and despite his rude behaviour and all, i pity him..
So yeah! The Random Hero Saves a life again
Who's next?
31 March 2008
Spider sense is Tingling!!!!
Posted by Jason Thomas at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Monkey Addictions!
~Monkey! Monkey!
What a wonderful thing.
Monkey! Monkey!
You wanna make me sing.
Climbing up trees,
Swinging from branch to branch.
Humping little kittens,
eating bananas for lunch!~
Good grief! Someone please buy me a monkey! Love them! Love them!
Oh! how they fascinate me with their silly antics and cheeky tricks. They are so adorable!
Chimpanzees! Macauques! (sounds like My C**K) Orangutans!
I'm going Bananas!!!
~Heres some of my fav monkey pics... Enjoy!
Yeah! Gonna get a chimp to carry the rings on my wedding! My wifey is so gonna kill me!
Wish me luck!
Heres to the Cheeky monkey in all of us
El Sensacion Mono
Posted by Jason Thomas at 5:15 PM 0 comments
NS memories
In exactly 8 days, i'll have officially completed my National Service. Kinda having mixed feelings about it cos part of me is happy to be free but the other part of me is missing the friends, places, memories and times of it... here's a little recap of my life in the Navy
~ 9th JUne 2006 - was enlisted as a fresh recruit along with another 122 guys. Felt really nervous and i honestly did not know what to expect. The sergeants and the officers put on fake smiles as we were led into the hall with our loved ones. My dad and my ex were there with me on that day. I remember that she and i were joking that we might bump into an old friend of ours named Jun Hao and amazingly, we saw him there. I mean the chance of it was like 1 in a thousand lah! It was a nice surprise though and it was even better cos he ended up being my bunk mate. Anw, once our parents left, the doors of the hall was closed and then... our ears were given a workout by the 'FRIENDLY' sergeants. Running here and there with our bags and being screamed at! it was quite bad! what's worse was that my System of a Down Cd broke during the run with our bags. i was so totally pissed! That night, we were made to carry our shoe lockers down in 3 minutes and other ridiculous and sadistic punishments..
As BMT went along, things became better, i became fitter, had the best six pack in my company (can't say that now after too much good food once i passed out ) etc. Time spent writing letters to my ex and all that. The highlight of my BMT was firing the AR 15 rifle! It was so freakin cool and i wish i could do it again. BANG! BANG! hahaha :D
In BMT, everyones true colours came out. It was quite easy to tell who were strong at heart and who wasn't. After 8 weeks of torture, we all passed out and moved on to our next phase of training...
My buddies Jun HAo, Addison, Ebenezeer, Chee Wee, Km etc. Miss ya guys like hell
~Post BMT
After BMT, we were sent for our JUnior Rating Course. It wasn't much fun or anything so i'll skip this part. After i was done with that, i was sent to train as a Gunner. I was pretty afraid at first cos the instructors and officers there were the Hardest and meanest bastards in the navy but to everyones surprise (myself included) i did really well and ended the course as the BEst Trainee. Initially, everyone didn't think that i would do well but i proved them all wrong. (BWAHAHAHA!! SWEET VICTORY!!!)
~ Ship Life
I was one of the 3 to be posted to the MIssile Gun Boat which is one of the NAvy's oldest type of battleship (can't really call it a ship cos it's small but whatever). The Mighty SEA TIGER. Along with 5 other MGBs, it was full of history. i felt really proud to raise the national flag onboard every morning. so what happened during my time onboard? Same old story here.. People thought i couldn't make it and all but i proved them wrong. Ship life was a really unique and sailing is an experience that i'll always remember. Dropping anchor and eating garlic bread, getting drenched in the heavy downpour while sailing back. Sitting in the ammo bay surrounded by tons of explosives(really freakin scary). one slip and BOOOOOM!!!
~Downward spiral
AS you may or may not know, i have been dealing with fatigue syndrome for two years and while i was onboard, it affected me severely. Sleepless nights, knee pains and non stop work made it really unbearable. i went to see the medical officer with regards to my fatigue and they posted me back to my training camp. I felt really sad to leave for i had made many friends and i felt a sense of attachment to my ship. so it was back to the place where it all started and i was sent for another course.. etc etc.. met awesome friends such as Keet Mun and Kelvin
Got a new posting as an Armourer/ MAterials Assistant ( what is it with me and getting posted to stuff that requires me to handle guns? hmmmm.. sounds wrong eh)
Met a whole new bunch of friends.. Marcus, Ivan, Bryan, Aaron and Dess.
To be honest, i feel like a celeb in camp! Everywhere i turn, someone waves and says Hi! i"ve friends everywhere lah! Gosh! hahah
I'm always the one cracking jokes and doing nonsense all the time. i lost count of the number of times i've made my friends burst out in utter hysteria
HEck! even the officers like me! Won't ever forget Warrant harbajhan who would chase me and pester me to shave my sideburns! Bleargh!!! to you man! hahaha
~There is really TOO MUCH stuff to write down and believe me when i say that this is only a quarter of it..
~ Here's to the lessons learnt, the gains and the losses and the wonderful memories of NS.
After all, how often can you tell someone that you were a sailor aye?
Jason 'the SAILsation' Thomas
Posted by Jason Thomas at 1:14 PM 0 comments
26 March 2008
¿Es este amor?
Sarina! Miss Tiny Fingers! Princess! Lizard Hater! hahaha
You've been really sweet and i'm really glad we met (through the strangest and still unexplained way). hahaha
The first time we met and i was all awkward and shy ( jumbling up my words and tripping on things). The way you giggled when i ate jellybeans. The Verbal Diarrhoea you had on that day. Gosh! You were so funny and i couldn't stop smiling.
The second time was even better! You playing Mortal Kombat on my PsP and you really kicked ass! (3D ninja ass that is). Then it was off to the arcade! House of the Dead!! hahaha! Gosh! you looked like you were gonna drop the gun and run away! hahaha. Chicken rice lunch and the 'dance move' you showed me! I was in stitches :D
The best part of the day was the birthday present you gave me! Chunky the Monkey! Gummy bears and the Best Freakin Birthday card i've ever received. ( REd Noses ) Aiyoh!!
The next one was the movie! We had a hard time choosing which movie to watch cos most of it sucked. Settled on PS I LOVE YOU and didn't regret it. Awesome movie! Oh! Dinner at Pastamania and my addiction to Tobasco sauce! hahaha.. Hot Spicy Indian Thang am i?
ASal's church drama thingee and the romantic airport escapades! ( nothing X rated kiddies )
AWESOME POSSUM!! Me sweeping you off your feet and kissing you! Gosh! hahahah
*PS, you still owe me that Ice Cream and Parsley Buffet treat! Hooray!
Anw, I know that you're gonna read this but i don't care (me being shy and all),
You've given me the hope i lost in love. You make me laugh, you make me feel loved, you care for me and love me for who i am. You Make Me Happy! It's as simple as that.Talking on the phone, texting , msn etc ain't good enough. Nothing is better than being there with you and it sucks that time flies by so fast but still, i enjoy every precious minute.
I know you have your insecurities and i have mine but i want you to trust me. Have a little faith and work with me and build this relationship up as a team.
You're afraid of what your parents might say or do but as long as we remain steadfast, we can show them that our love is true.
It's still a long way to go before thinking about all this and i can't wait to see where life takes us.
One life to live without regret..
Be strong my little princess. . .Be Strong and trust your heart
Te Amo
sensaciĆ³n de jason
Posted by Jason Thomas at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Far is where i fell
My ex has been sending me text messages which go on about how much she misses me and how she regrets what she did to me. Telling me that she wished that she was still with me and how lonely she is..
Jeez Louis!!
What good is that now? Wasn't i good enough for you then?
When i first met you all shy and without confidence, i turned you around and made you believe in yourself.
Wasn't my honest and unconditional love enough?
Didn't i treat you with respect and never forced you to do anything you didn't want to?
Even when i was down to my last $10 bucks, i'd always top up your card cos i'd rather go hungry than not be able to talk to you.
When you were sick, who took care of you when your own parents couldn't give two shits?
17 girls in school after me and i choose you. sure there were pretty ones, rich ones, whatever but i chose you for your heart? Doesn't that show something?
Proudly talking about you to all my friends and telling them how lucky i was to have you in my life.
Never giving in to temptation like some people i know. The guys in camp who had girlfriends but cheated on them or visited prostitutes. I never gave in to that rubbish.
Being a pair of safe arms that caught you whenever you fell
i could go on and on... but.. what's the point.
~Not good enough???
So much so that you had to go FUCK some other guy? you know how GODDAMN sick that is? I never asked you for it cos i respected you so what the FUCK?
Fall in love with a guy who has gone to prison 3 times and would beat you up without the slightest thought?
Lie to the people who loved and cared for you?
Turn a complete 360 and become a *rhymes with witch
Drop me in the most cruel manner
Now you wanna tell me that you regret all that? So sorry to say but we'll never be together again. It's because of you i turned to the bottle and i got hurt and fucked up.
Nothing but tears and nightmares.
I Thank my friends who were there to support me. Su,Prim and the VLC, the guys in camp and the rest of my friends.
I owe you guys a BIG one.
You know, it took real guts to forgive you the VERY NIGHT i found out about you and him. I did it and i'm proud of myself. A lesser person would never have done that. ISn't that called love? I guess it wasn't good enough for you
So i wish you all the best in life. Hope someone comes along to treat you well. When you do find him, don't screw it.
~tener cuidado
Posted by Jason Thomas at 6:12 PM 0 comments
23 March 2008
Let me go!
I hate this fatigue so much. Go away! PLEASE!!!
Ever since i've had this damn fatigue thing, i've never woken up feeling fresh and energized. Do you know how it feels like to go through each day feeling tired as hell and not being able to do nuts about it. Two long years with it and i want it to stop. I wanna go back to being a bundle of energy and feel ALIVE again. It sucks when you see people who are healthy and normal but they waste away in laziness.
It's taken away so much from me. My fitness, my energetic old self, money spent on supplements, surgery etc. I remember the times when i wasn't strong enough to go through it and that was when my ex brought my world crashing down. Night's spent crying myself to sleep. Anger, Frustration and pointless negativity. At some points, i prayed for God to take my life away but i realized how stupid i was for such wishes. I was born and baptized a Roman Catholic and my faith in God was what kept me going.
I hope this goes away soon. WE've only one life to live and for me, i don't want to live it like this
Posted by Jason Thomas at 6:12 PM 0 comments
For Each Ecstatic Instant
Yesterday was really awesome. I went out with Sarii and we went to the expo to watch an Easter Drama/Celebration thingee with her friend Asal. Prior to meeting ASal, we went into one of the exhibition halls where there was a book sale. I wanted to sit and watch Hi 5 with the little kids but mean old Sarii didn't let me! hehehe. We then picked up a book on Names For Babies and chose the most random names to give our kids. I chose Delicioso for our daughter and she chose Balthazhar for our son. Gosh! if we really did that, our kids would murder us. It was then time to meet Asal and go watch the drama.I have to admit that it was well put together and was Good. After the drama, we hung out with Asal's Church friends and played the silliest and oh so totally hilarious games. Ps.. Sarii took forever to come up with her 'peace sign' action. Hahaha
Sarii and myself then made our seXay ways to the airport where we *CENSORED*...
HAhaha.. yeah right!
She wanted to treat me to some ice cream at swensens but it was too expensive and i would have felt really bad if she did. We spent time cracking jokes and making each other laugh out. Feeling like Prince Charming (with a mini Mohawk and all dressed in black), i swept her off her feet and kissed her. It was magical and it was romantic. Won't tell you what else happened cos it's only for her and me to know *winks ;)
Gosh! i really love this girl so much. I know that i am taking a risk with her but i believe that it will be all worth it in the end. She came into my life at a point where i had given up on love and her care and unconditional love has given me strength. I'm really scared that something may happen and i'd lose her but i have faith and i won't lose hope.
A friend of mine named Andrea gave me an awesome piece of advice..
~ Don't go Looking for Love but instead, Let it come and find you~
Well, Andrea, it's found me and now that it's here, i don't wanna let go.
I love you Sarii. God Bless You
Posted by Jason Thomas at 4:39 PM 0 comments
21 March 2008
Princess This Ones For You!
I don't want this moment, to ever end,
Where everything's nothing, without you.
I'll wait here forever just to, to see you smile,
Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.
Through it all, I made my mistakes.
I stumble and fall,
But I mean these words.
I want you to know, with everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know.
Cause I'd bleed my heart out to show, that I won't let go.
Thoughts read are spoken, forever in doubt.
And pieces of memories fall to the ground.
I know what i didn't have so, I won't let this go.
Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.
All the streets, where I walked alone,
With nowhere to go.
Have come to an end.
I want you to know, with everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know.
Cause I'd bleed my heart out to show, that I won't let go.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you don't know what you're looking to find.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies,
When you just never know what you will find.
I don't want this moment to ever end.
Where everything's nothing without you.
I want you to know, with everything I won't let this go.
These words are my heart and soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know.
Cause I'd bleed my heart out to show, that I won't let go.
SUM 41 - With Me
Posted by Jason Thomas at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Blinded by our Bliss
How many times have you turned on your tv set and watched as images of suffering children and innocent people flash past in your screen? How does it make you feel? Do you feel Anger? Sadness? Frustration or perhaps Ignorance? In a society where we let our stomachs rule and where we give in to greed and temptation each day, we fail to see the suffering that goes on outside our lives. Let's take for example the old lady on the street with packs of tissues for sale. I've seen people move out of her direction to avoid being 'hassled' by her. How about the crippled or those who are deformed. If i had a dollar for every time i saw someone cast a look of revulsion on them, i'd be able to make a tidy sum. Spare a thought for these poor people whom life has dealt a bad hand too. Put yourself in their shoes and see what it feels like to be downtrodden. I could go on and on but i'll leave you to think about this yourself and see what changes you can make in your lives
Through these two years that i've been living with my fatigue, my eyes have been opened up even more to what's wrong with this world and in my own life. It's made me appreciate life even more and i count all my blessings.Ever since i was a child, i've been raised to do good to others and to be kind and considerate. I thank my parents and my faith for making me who i am today and i hope that what's in my heart will rub off on my friends and the people i love. Let's not take things for granted.
God Bless
Posted by Jason Thomas at 4:58 PM 0 comments
A blog is born!
Bring out the champagne and let's make merry cos The Sensation has finally set up a blog. You've gotta forgive me cos i was stuck in a cave for the most of my life writing down my thought on the walls. Anyway, the reason that i created this blog is because i've got lots of stuff in my head and there isn't anymore room in this skull of mine.
Oh yeah! a certain 'Princess' wanted me to do it to so Sarii, this ones your fault! hahaha
So please waste precious minutes of your lives to read my bloggie.
The sensation loves ya!
Posted by Jason Thomas at 4:54 PM 0 comments